HJ Huse A/S
HJ Huse A/S
Senior Homes
Construction of 29 one-storey terraced houses in Slagelse. The houses are a part of a senior community. In the project, HJ Huse A/S will cover all exterior walls as well as interior partitions with Fermacell fiber gipsum.
The cutting robot is installed on the construction site in a container that is placed between two houses, which are moved continuously as the project progresses.
Getting rid of the dust
From day one, the intention has been to get rid of the dust problem. HJ Huse A/S has been focused on removing all dust from the cutting process, in order to create the best possible environment for their employees and ensure them a good working environment. During the project, faster execution and high quality have also become clear benefits.
– Generally we are super happy with the cutting robot. If I have to highlight one thing it is that dust and sound pollution is almost eliminated when we work with Fermacell fiber gypsum.
-We have far less cuts now than with a circular saw where the carpenter also has a bad working posture bending forward over a stack of gypsum boards. And the improved efficiency is noticeable with the cutting robot, as one carpenter can “feed” two carpenters with boards and the pace is still the same or faster than before when two teams (four men) were running at the same time in one home, Mads Vielsted, Construction Manager
HJ Huse A/S has purchased an KOBOTS 912.
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